Joey & Elizabeth Maxon

Meet Joey + Elizabeth

Addiction, betrayal, trauma…they are all part of their story.  Maybe they are part of yours too, or maybe something else has led to ruptures in your relationships.  Thankfully, that’s not where Joey and Elizabeth’s story ended.  After years of their own healing work, they are now living a life of freedom and connectedness they never dreamed possible.  This is what they offer you – a chance to be re-storied, woven into God’s greater story full of goodness, beauty, and truth.

Professional golfer meets PhD student.  In their early days of dating, Joey was traveling the world playing golf and Elizabeth was working on her graduate degree in psychology at Arizona State University.  Both seemed ambitious and accomplished on the outside, but their interior lives were already fractured.  Elizabeth had been through a divorce (as well as the divorce of her parents when she was a child).  Joey seemed to have lived a relatively “normal” life, but was carrying a secret that started in childhood.  Both grew up in the Christian faith and attended church regularly, but pieces of their lives still need healing.

Fifteen years into marriage their story took its biggest turn.  Joey’s 30+ year struggle with a pornography addiction came to light, and the devastation – the complete crumbling of their old marriage – made way for something new – a new story to be told.  It was not an easy road, but it has led to what scripture calls “a more spacious place.”  It has led them here – to a marriage that wasn’t just restored, but (re)storied. They are committed to helping others do the same!